Daily Journal

Monday 4th January 2016

Today we began a new two week project creating a number of outcomes in a lens based media style. Today I had a research lesson in the library to help me understand this brief. This lesson really helped me really understand a few difficult sections of the brief, also it gave me a chance to look at a few of the artist resources and I also began to think of an idea to base my project on. Then I had and introduction to video equipment. During this session I began to think about how i would shoot my video and how I wanted the final product to end up. Lastly I had the opportunity to use the film cameras to shoot some black and white photos to go towards this project. I really enjoyed using the film cameras again and hope my footage comes out well and that is suitable for my final collection of photos.

Tuesday 5th January 2016

Today in the morning we had an artists brief from Simon. It was interesting to find about the work he has done over his life and the experiences he has had. Also it gave me a chance to look at what some of the jobs in photography and how broad the subject really is. Then we had a long briefing where we were told exactly what we needed to produce in the duration of this project.Then during the afternoon we had a flaneur session in Canterbury town. This gave me a chance to test out a few photo and video ideas and really see how they work and would turn out. In addition to this is gave me a chance to really watch and study the people around me.

Thursday 7th January 2016

Today I had a personal research lesson in the library which allowed me to use the library resources to carry on my research to broaden my idea and take inspiration from other artists. Then I had an introduction to blogger to help me understand the basics of the website and be able to upload post and pages to coincide with my project.In the afternoon I had a workshop with Wendy about how to create an interesting and good sketchbooks. I found this workshop really interesting and i think this will really help me with my presentation in the future and making my sketchbooks more interesting and professional.

Friday 8th January 2016

This morning I had a darkroom introduction where I learnt how to process film. This was really interesting and now i can develop all of my film from the trips into the town.Then we had a premier workshop with Simon. It was really interesting to see what the film industry use and how some of the biggest films are edited together. I cant wait to begin to use this for my video art. I then had a creative writing session in which we learnt a few skills but it felt a bit unnecessary but did help in some ways.

Monday 11th January 2016

Today I spent the day roaming Canterbury town taking my analog and digital photos and also began to collect video clips for my film. It was really interesting to see what i could collect based on the people surrounding Canterbury town. It was challenging having to adapt to the people and the unplanned movements of them. But I ended up achieving some better shots and videos then I expected.

Tuesday 12th January 2016

Today I spent the morning in Canterbury town collecting some final bits of footage for my film just to make sure I had all the shots I wanted and enough footage to work with. Then in the afternoon I returned to the college to begin work on my video art. I found the video art had to begin with because I wasn't quite sure what to include or what order to place clips in. So  began playing around with my footage to see what combinations work best. Then to finish the day I processed my film photography. It was my first time processing film and i'm very with how the film turned out.

Thursday 13th January 2016

Today I spent the morning in the darkroom developing the film photography that I had taken on Monday. I really enjoy using the darkroom and like the process of choosing the exposure of the print to match the astetic of the theme and to give them a proper range of tones. This afternoon I had a careers presentation in which I learnt about the different jobs in photography. Although I'm not as interested in photography as smoother subjects it was still interesting too see all the different jobs on offer. Then I continued to work on my artist video. I am very happy with the way this has come out but some of the shots are slightly wobbly.

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