Artist Research


·         Flâneur from the French noun flâneur, means "stroller", "lounger", "saunterer", or "loafer". Flânerie refers to the act of strolling, with all of its accompanying associations.
·         A man who saunters around observing society
What I think Flâneur is?

I think that flâneuring is the act of wandering around public spaces passing the time and really taking notice of the people around you. Flâneurs often wander around shopping hot spots to watch people and how they reaction to different things. Flâneurs will wander around shops without any intention of buying things. Flâneurs then create an art piece or writing piece from the experiences they have. The art pieces may be; instillation art (using found objects), Photographs (produced when flaneuring) or sketches (based on people seen).

Problems with flaneur.

  •  People may be offended when you stare and take photos. 
  • People may not act the same if the see a camera.
  • Cameras and equipment draw attention.

Martin Parr

Parr's photography is very shocking but also very fascinating. He looks at how people present themselves to others but also shows how people live their day to day lives. Martin captures images that we have all experienced and can link with similar moments in our lives. Parr's photos are very entertaining and comical because they do make fun of the public.

Martin Parr was born on the 23rd of may 1952. He is a British documentary photographer but is also well known for his photojournalism and published photo books. He likes to document the social classes and habits of the western world in a very satirical and comical way. 

I think that Martin Parr will link well with my work because I am looking at how people have become slowly more obsessed with material items which links to the growing wealth of the western world. I am inspired by Parr's work because it really shows the real humanity in people and how they interact with each other. He has captured images that people can easily relate to and i would like to replicate this in my work by using images that people could easily imagine themselves seeing. For example walking past someone who has their eyes glued to their phone.

Eugène Atget
Atget was born on the 12th February 1857 and died on the 4th august 1927. He has become known as the pioneer of documentary photography. He was a flaneur that studied the structures and streets of France as the slowly became more modernized and futuristic. Much of his work was published after his death in 1927. His skills in photography where only known to a few in his life time and he became more well know after his death.

From his work I have been taking inspiration from his photos of street sellers and shop fronts. It is really interesting to see how these two concepts have changed over many years. Often these days street seller are often walked past and ignored ( observation from Flaneur session) and shop windows are bright bold and trying to draw customers in. Whereas when Atget was capturing images the street sellers seem more natural and look as though there are a lot of them and the shop window show only merchandises instead of huge price posters.
From Atget's work I am inspired to show the progression of the world and how the people in  the town are changing. I hope to show how the shop fronts are over dramatic, how every time you look around someone seems to be on their phone ignoring the world around them, how people ahev become incised in material items. I want to use Atget's documentary ideas to capture they harsh realty of modernism as he showed the beginning of in his photographs.

Gillian Wearing: Broad Street 

Gillian Wearing was born in 1963. She is a British conceptual artist. She won the Turner prize in 1997 and has become a long time member of the Royal Arts Academy.

Broad street is an artist video that shows a typical scene in a nightclub in Birmingham. Six screens show the film all showing different images at once. The film is also accompanied by the deafening sounds and music of the nightclub. The instillation seems almost like a really club with the same atmosphere and feel. The images shown are ones varying situations between the quite outside smoking area, the hectic aura of the dance floor and the eeriness of the long corridor walk. She shows the typical teenage behaviour and social extremes that people push themselves to in this situation. It was shown at the Ikon Gallery in Birmingham in 2001.

I am inspired by this video art because it shows the different atmospheres and events that can happen in a small area. I want to show the different areas of Canterbury town and show how the shopping areas seem a lot busier and crowded whereas the back streets are more relaxed and down wind. This will show that the people would prefer to stay in the busier retail area then explore the old and beautiful parts and how the places where we occasionally spend more seem deserted. I want to use her style of switching between clips but only on one screen.

Laurent Le Gamba

Gamba is a a Parisian camouflage artist that paints people to blend into their surroundings. He paints people so they been into a range different situations, for example shop shelves, cars and other paintings. his art is never retouched or digitally edited. what you see in the photographs is what the artist has created on his models. I am inspired by these images because they make the people seem as thought they are being overcome by the items and becoming over obsessed with the products on the shelves.

Iain Sinclair-Walking across London” 

Iain Sinclair is a Welsh writer and film maker born in 1943. He has written many books over his life long career that include "Suicide Bridge", "Lud Heat" and "Downriver".
 This book is based off the experience of the writer walking along the m25 in London. He looks at all the different buildings and places he comes across. I can't access very much of the book but this writer takes the reader on a visual journey through London and makes it seem as though you are walking the journey with him.
The inspiration I'm taking from is book is the descriptive nature of the writing. I want the readers to be able to imagine themselves in the persons shoes. I want them to feel the emotions of the character and be able to see and feel their experience.

    Psychogeography is an approach to geography that emphasizes playfulness and "drifting" around urban environments. It has links to the Situationist International.
    Modernity -the quality or condition of being modern.
    Urban life- Urban life is a catchall phrase to describe life in a major city.
    Decadence -moral or cultural decline as characterized by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury.

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